

After a Year of Teaching Dangerously, We Found a New Appreciation for School

This year has been the ultimate educational experiment. For years the question has loomed: Given a strong curriculum, can students learn just as effectively online as in person? This COVID year has...

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Biden Is Right, We Need Kids to Go Back to School But Not Like Before

On March 13, 2020, when Governor Newsom shut down schools in California including in LAUSD where my son is now a senior, I held my breath. The closures, we read, would last at least two weeks. My son...

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student achievement

Secretary Cardona Has Ambitious Goals. School Choice Could Help Us Meet Them.

On Monday, Dr. Miguel Cardona became the twelfth U.S. Secretary of Education. Despite the amiable support afforded him by both sides of the aisle, we still don’t know much about Secretary Cardona. No...

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If Houston’s District Schools Keep Taking the Day Off, Students Will Never Catch Up

There have been some good reasons to close schools over the past year—in the early days of the pandemic, for example, or during major weather events like the recent winter storm here in Texas. Last...

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February Is Black History Month. Periodt.

I swear I wasn’t trying to end Black History Month with white people and skinfolk that ain’t kinfolk foolery but ... Yesterday my homie, Dr. Charles Cole III, tagged me in a tweet with a screenshot...

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student achievement

Want a National Effort to Combat COVID Learning Loss? Study Your Black History.

We know all too well Black and brown students in marginalized communities are now bearing the brunt of the pandemic’s effect on schools—with inadequate technology, lack of internet access, little to...

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