What would happen if you sat a group of parents down and asked them, “In an ideal world, what would education look like for our children?” On Tuesday, December 1, you can find out all about it during...
School choice strawmen are a formidable army that thinking people have yet to defeat. Nevertheless, we must keep trying. As a reader who casually consumes education debate in mass media, I understand...
On the eve of America’s 244th birthday, the critically acclaimed play, "Hamilton," debuted on Disney+, making the cultural touchstone available to millions in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic....
With all the ruckus around charter schools, it’s easy to forget they can’t be painted with a broad brush. Each state has its own charter school law, its own educational politics, its own ways of...
With less than four weeks until election day, President Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden finished their first presidential debate last week with no discussions about the state of our...