Charter Schools
Support for Charter Schools Is Down and Charter Operators Need to Take a Look in the Mirror
Today, a new poll released by Education Next shows that support for charter schools has fallen, both overall and among communities of color. You know it’s a bad day for your issue when President...
Achievement Gap
Everyone Is Entitled to an Opinion on Charter Schools But Parents Deserve the Final Say
Over the last year we've seen the NAACP come out forcefully against charter schools. We've seen the Trump administration support choice in ways that have made people question their own positions on...
Charter Schools
These Guys Aren't Just Talking About It, They're Recruiting and Keeping Male Educators of Color in the Classroom
Quick: Name all of the male educators of color you had growing up. Having trouble coming up with any? You’re not alone. Only 2 percent of teachers in the United States are Black men. Hispanic men...
Charter Schools
9 Things Every Kid Needs to Know Before Going Back to School
Back-to-school time is a hectic and often stressful part of everyone’s year. Students, parents and teachers alike are bombarded with lists of what and what not to do, what kind of supplies they need...
Charter Schools
Hey Pondiscio, Before We Talk Curriculum, Let’s Talk Turkey
In his recent response to a David Brooks column, Fordham’s Robert Pondiscio writes about the language of privilege in the United States and argues that kids need to learn it in school. He’s spot-on...
When You Come at the Mom-in-Chief, You’d Best Not Miss
No one likes to read hit pieces that attack the work and the integrity of the people we care about and it is especially annoying when the attack dogs get their facts wrong and leave out important and...