Neerav Kingsland, in my estimation, is one of the premier thinkers (and doers) in the field. His notion of “relinquishment” as an organizing strategy for district reform is justly recognized as a...
As educators, we have an obligation to give our students every opportunity to succeed. Parents rely on us to ensure their children are armed with the skills and knowledge they need to thrive once...
The key three factors most likely to change the nature of future work are: artificial intelligence/robots, demographic changes and concentration of talent in certain locations, according to a new...
I read too many education arguments for my own good. It’s a known issue in my household. The argument I find most cringe-inducing is the fight over charter schools. With the news that Secretary DeVos...
My journey in the world of education started as a freshman at Howard University. Although I was a political science major, I always held a very strong interest in issues pertaining to education, and...