Recently, a parent at one of our Citizens of the World Charter Schools (CWC) campuses in Los Angeles shared this story with me: My husband and I were disagreeing in the car about the best way to get...
I believe in school choice. But I believe in it like I believe in capitalism or college football. It’s a cool idea and I’m glad it’s around, but it doesn’t always work quite as well as advertised....
As a child, I often heard the words, “Listen to your parents.” It was usually uttered with a stern look and was often mandated from the pulpit. The lesson was clear: Parents are wise, and are to be...
It’s National School Choice Week (NSCW)! All week, we're celebrating those who work to provide available and accessible, high-quality options for students and families. Though the celebration is not...
I love parent-teacher conferences. I enjoy talking to parents about what goes on in my classroom. I know they have very specific questions about what is happening in my seventh-grade math class, and...