Shayla Toran is a third-grade student who thrives when presented with opportunities to discover how things work. Two years ago, she stepped into D.C.-based Eagle Academy Public Charter School’s...
My father was a high school teacher for 30 years. My earliest memories are of him returning home in the evening after a long day in the classroom, planning lessons and grading papers late into the...
Dear Teachers, I just read some of the results of a survey and I’m confused. The good people over at Educators for Excellence asked a bunch of you how you feel about accountability and school choice...
Four members of Chiefs for Change recently participated in a panel discussion at the National Charter Schools Conference hosted by the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools. Chiefs for Change...
There seems to be an organized assault on charter schools. Legal challenges, bureaucratic barriers and smear campaigns all work to destroy their reputation, deplete their finances and diminish their...
Molly Cole, founding principal of Brooke East Boston Charter School, was honored this school year with the Ryan Award for exceptional school leadership, a national award that honors urban principals...