I love a woman with a plan! And, Senator Warren, it seems like you have a plan for just about everything. There are currently 50 plans listed on your campaign website, outlining your goals for...
There’s a lot of confusion these days about what charter schools are and what they aren’t. Some of the confusion is sewn deliberately by people who don’t like the idea of parents having a choice of...
“We’re in the fight of our lives,” according to a number of chartered public school educators with whom I met at the recent National Alliance for Public Charter Schools summer conference. Having...
Dear parents, Guess what? If you hate your child’s school or aren’t satisfied with the quality of education they’re receiving, you shouldn’t expect anyone to fix that problem for you. The solution...
I will never forget the day I became a U.S. citizen: November 16, 1993. My dad had moved us to the United States on a work visa and we had to wait a decade to finally become citizens. To some, the...