As a young man, President Lyndon Johnson taught desperately poor children in South Texas and would often reference this eye-opening experience during his time in the White House. Johnson also...
In a cheeky segment on the Jimmy Kimmel show, an interviewer asked random people on Hollywood Boulevard whether they prefer “Obamacare” or its official name, the “Affordable Care Act” (ACA). Several...
It was not easy growing up in a hospital. I was born around the time when my 13-year-old brother was referred to Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. He was diagnosed with a cancerous tumor in his ankle....
I am the fly in the school reform buttermilk. An outsider, now marginally on the inside, trying to plot the revolution. Young, gifted and Black, I founded a charter school support organization in...
A student yells at a teacher, engages in an altercation with a peer or is continually late to class. For decades, under a zero-tolerance framework, the result has been the same: detention, suspension...