

These Stories of School Boards Behaving Badly Will Drive You Nuts

A veteran education reporter recently revealed to me the one area he can’t get insiders to talk about: school boards. Administrators, teachers and others will open up about equity, standardized...

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54 Years Since the Civil Rights Act and Schools Still Haven’t Figured Out How to Serve Students of Color

A basic right like education can sometimes feel more like a privilege than a constitutional promise. In the landmark Brown vs. Board of Education case, the Supreme Court determined that "‘separate...

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America Promises Equal Opportunity But It's a Complete Lie

Schools are where we're supposed to find equal opportunity. Instead we find a sorting system that magnifies inequality. In fact, schools ration out opportunity to predictable top dogs and underdogs,...

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If You're a Student Struggling With Impostor Syndrome, Try This

When I first entered the University of California-Riverside (UCR), I was filled with excitement and eagerness. I was ready to make my years at UCR the best I could make them. I made plans to join the...

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Achievement Gap

Just Give Me the Facts, Don't Tell Me Where My Child Should Go to School

Hard decisions are not new to me, but in the past seven years, decisions about where to send my daughter for elementary and middle school have been among my hardest. I knew the school community I...

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I’m a Cambodian Kid From Compton and Because of My Mom, I Graduated From College

As a young man growing up on the East Side of Compton, California, I never quite understood my place in my community or society. I identified as an Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI), but rarely...

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