Ed Post has partnered with the Center for Black Educator Development and Philly's 7th Ward to lift some of the greatest minds in Black education, the Black Educator Hall of Fame. There will be one...
For those of us who’ve been educators for decades, social media can reveal the reverberating impact of our efforts, and sometimes the work that remains to be done. It is inspiring and poignant to...
Throughout American history, Black educators who dare to teach truth have found themselves thrust into the center of a societal storm, vilified as boogeymen intent on dismantling the very fabric of...
In the same way that Black History is as broad as all of American History, the legacy of Black educators is similarly expansive: Black teachers shape education and the entire profession and elevate...
Every child deserves an excellent education—every child. That’s a principle, presumably, no one would argue with, and I’ve spent my entire career working toward it. Yet, critiques of culturally...