I’m a White mom raising a strong, smart and beautiful Black daughter. We look different. I think about this all the time—that she is the intersection of much different variables than me. That she...
I laced up my sneakers after quietly rolling out of bed, hoping not to wake up my son, who often sneaks into my room at night. For a brief moment, I gazed at the rise and fall of his chest. His signs...
One of my mentors begins each interrogative problem-solving conversation with the same question, “Who knew what, when, and what did you do about it?” The question pushes us to think and rely on our...
The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted, well, everything, but at times I find that I have more time to communicate, virtually if necessary, with family and friends, even over fraught topics. Example:...
One of the best teachers I have ever known has a tattoo on the inside of her wrist of the snake from “The Little Prince.” She told me it was her reminder not to crush students’ dreams. Between the...