Special Education
Teachers, We Need to Get Our Knees Off Our Students' Necks
Debate is raging across the country on how to return to school in the fall. The Trump administration, considering their abject disregard for the health of the American people during the pandemic,...
student support
We Need a Stronger Commitment to Recruit and Retain Teachers of Color
The current global pandemic has challenged the concept of America’s exceptionalism. As we struggle with COVID-19, we are also uncomfortably grappling with the vestiges of slavery and economic...
The Hidden Cost of Injustice Is What Our Children Could Have Been
“You can be anything you want to be when you grow up!” That’s what we tell our kids, and we encourage them to do well in school so those big dreams can come true. So many us were impressed and...
Black Girls Need Police-Free Schools
We are at a precipice. Advocates and school leaders in nearly 100 districts all over the country have called for the removal of police in schools as a means to disrupt the ever-expanding...
Q&A: 12-Year-Old Amir Lumumba on Why Schools Need More Counselors and Fewer Cops
On Thursday, July 9 from 12:00-2:00 p.m. ET, brightbeam’s Director of Activism, Zakiya Sankara-Jabar will moderate a virtual town hall called #ReimagingingSchoolSafety. Special guests include: Amir...
I Was the Only Black Teacher, And I Quit My First Job After Six Months
Why would a teacher submit her resignation for her first teaching job out of college in February of that school year? The answer is racism, mistreatment, and oppression. I was the only Black teacher...