Last month, Attorney General Jeff Sessions pledged to defend free speech on campuses and criticized the idea of creating safe spaces on campus, protected from hate speech. He argued that classrooms...
I need to say it. You need to say it. Teachers need to say it. School leaders need to say it. We all need to say it. Our president—who drew a moral equivalency between White supremacists and the...
White people, with all the racial turmoil in our world, do you want “do something” about racism? Well, today is your lucky day! Debuting for the 2017-2018 school year is a new anti-racist curriculum...
As a young man, President Lyndon Johnson taught desperately poor children in South Texas and would often reference this eye-opening experience during his time in the White House. Johnson also...
Leaders within our new administration seem to be embracing a revisionist narrative of our country’s tortured history with race that is at best uninformed, and at worst, malicious. Take, for instance,...