When 5-Year-Old Black Boys Are Suspended at Higher Rates From School, It's Time to Talk About Racial Bias
The latest Government Accountability Office analysis of school discipline policies has everyone talking about the disproportionate rates at which Black students are disciplined in school. It’s not...
White Teachers, We Need to Make Schools Welcoming to People of Color
Every time a new article or video about the lack of teachers of color in the classroom is released, I listen to White teachers declare surprise, confusion and even shock. Their reaction is a perfect...
Here's How You Know When You Need to Check Your Microaggressions at the Front Door
If I had money to wager, I’d bet that if you’re a female teacher, this has happened to you. You’re in a meeting and you say something smart. A few minutes later, a man repeats your smart comment and...
I’m Feeling Some Hope and Outrage Here on #NationalWalkoutDay
I’m starting a new thing here called “Hope and Outrage.” A lot of us wake up every morning with the goal of rallying people to fight for better educational options for our Black and Brown youth. When...
Achievement Gap
Want to Fix the Achievement Gap? Reconsider How You Teach.
There seems to be a sentiment amongst some educators that culturally responsive education is merely an optional “best practice.” Well, of course, any trainings or professional development examining...
This Teacher With a White Nationalist Podcast Is Outrageous But She's Not Alone
Two days after a Florida middle school teacher named Dayanna Volitich was outed as this White nationalist podcaster, the teacher is now denying that she is a White supremacist and called her podcast...