Charter Schools
They Won't Just Fix the Schools for Us, We Have to Make Them Do It
Dear parents, Guess what? If you hate your child’s school or aren’t satisfied with the quality of education they’re receiving, you shouldn’t expect anyone to fix that problem for you. The solution...
A Student Left in Handcuffs. We Need to Do Better So It Stops Happening.
There was the day that a sixth grader was upset, was blocked by an administrator from exiting a room and pushed his way past. Within the hour, he was sitting in the principal’s office, handcuffed,...
Charter Schools
Black and Brown Students Can Learn, But You Have to Want to Teach Them
We complain about what’s wrong with the public education system all the time. Admittedly, I’m probably on the long list of tough critics. Some of our complaints stem from personal experience—I know...
Charter Schools
Democratic Presidential Candidates Aren't Talking About K-12 Education and That's Why We Crashed Their Debate in Houston
All eyes may be on the third round of Democratic presidential candidates' debates happening tonight. But let me direct your attention for a second to a little something else that I’m affectionately...
student achievement
Black Male Educators Have Sounded the Alarm, But Will We Listen?
For years, Black males have been underrepresented in P-12 education. While there have been many efforts to diversify classrooms by adding more Black male educators, there are still obstacles to...
If Black Male Teachers Benefit Students, Why Are They Underrepresented?
Two percent and shrinking. It’s a statistic that may seem small enough to be insignificant … until you understand what the number represents. Black males make up only 2% of all teachers in P-12...