There is no honor in the world like being a teacher. And in a school, every single person can play a teaching role. In fact, even our students can be their teachers’ teachers. Maye-gan Brown has...
Everyone is talking about how schools should care about equity for their students, but that can’t be the whole conversation. Equity has to mean more than just policies or decisions made for...
I’m still less than a year into my new role as a teacher coach specializing in supporting first-year teachers, but here are four things that have stood out as major levers for novice teachers to...
Last week I got an email that one of my son’s two kindergarten teachers, Ms. Ashley, is starting her maternity leave and he’s getting a new co-teacher for that class. I instantly felt happy for her...
“Well-behaved women seldom make history.” I have pondered over this Laurel Ulrich quote for several years after hearing it, and especially during Women’s History Month. I hope during this month, and...
I’m on a mission to call everybody out who’s not working in the best interest of kids, all 2019. On this week’s list is Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos and the Democrats. Strange bedfellows but...