Project-based learning is a very powerful practice for accelerating important learning for Black, Brown, and low-income kids. It provides “voice and choice” for the students and it encourages new...
Nylah Newkirk, Da´Montae Neclos and Dionte Edmonds fall out laughing while describing the unforgettable morning when their math teacher taught them about quadrants. There’s nothing particularly funny...
“I didn’t come here to teach those kinds of kids.” It’s alarming to think that adults charged with helping students of color succeed in school would hold such thoughts, much less say it aloud. But...
The children of 1960s-era civil rights-leading parents, my siblings and I were always told that the key to success in life is education. Amid marching with Dr. King in Montgomery and meeting Malcolm...
As an eighth-grader, Leonard Ferguson signed up for the plumbing concentration at Baltimore County’s Western School of Technology and Environmental Science, but he wasn’t sold on being a plumber....