In the words of Clark Atlanta University professor Chike Akua, Black children are “victims of cultural identity theft. Someone has stolen their identity of excellence, intelligence and achievement...
In celebration of Black History Month, and in collaboration with the Center for Black Educator Development, Ed Post offers a list of 28 essential books on Black history and culture that educators...
Hey Shawnta! Why do first-generation immigrant students score higher than native-born American students on all standardized achievement tests? I have been asked a version of this question many times...
For the longest time, I solely viewed my identity through the lens of race. It wasn’t until I delved into Dr. Kimberlé Crenshaw’s work on intersectionality that I became more aware of how the other...
[Editor’s note: The following essay is adapted from Dr. Horne’s essay, “Torchbearers of Democracy,” which first appeared in his Substack newsletter, In Case of Emergency. I recently had a wonderful...