Charter Schools
Here’s What Happened Yesterday When AFT and NEA Locked Out Black and Brown Parents from a Candidate Forum
Yesterday the AFT/NEA sponsored a “Public Education Forum” in Pittsburgh. There, hand-selected union members heard from seven Democratic presidential candidates as one by one they pledged their...
School Choice
Black Families Haven't Been Hoodwinked, We Come From a Legacy of School Choice
The Democratic party once embraced charter schools as a tool for equity and opportunity. Now, as Andre Perry points out in his recent op-ed, “Support for charters in 2020 election comes with a...
School Choice
Black Kids Don't Need to Sit Next to White Kids to Learn
Over the last decade, and indeed for longer than that, those fighting for justice, many of them White, have largely looked to integration as the panacea for educational inequity. The Center for...
School Choice
I'm Waiting for Democrats to Stop Using Progressive Talking Points and Start Listening to Parents
When eight Democratic presidential candidates appear on stage in Pittsburgh this Saturday, most—if not all—will echo teachers unions’ animus towards charter schools and school choice, which have...
Achievement Gap
Here's How We Got Educating Black Kids Wrong Again in the 2010s
Congratulations, America! You’ve once again managed to provide the shittiest public education for Black students and families. So as we close out this decade and enter a new year, I’ve taken the...
We Were Making Progress on School Discipline Until Betsy DeVos Came Along
At the turn of the century, in 1999, I was graduating from high school, motivated to enter the teaching profession with a passion to reform school discipline practices and eliminate the...