The racial demographics within traditional public schools in the U.S. are undoubtedly changing, and it's two Latina parents living on opposite ends of the country who are together leading the...
Shame on it all! In a new report, “The Secret Shame: How America’s Most Progressive Cities Betray Their Commitment to Educational Opportunities for All,” brightbeam (the umbrella org for Education...
When it comes to education news and policy, we are used to hearing about the involvement of a union. However, typically the unions only represent the teachers. A new organization wants to change...
I’m just going to get straight to the point. In 2020—and beyond—we have to get education right for Black students and families. Point blank and period. I don’t subscribe to the “new year, new me”...
Research shows that, as early as preschool, racial bias affects student learning. From a young age, we adults are treating children differently based on their skin color, and we are nearly always...