If I had a teacher like you, I don’t think I would be here. Why do you say that? Because you care. I will never forget these words, spoken to me by an 18-year-old Black student in a correctional...
“I want to protect my children from the system that destroyed my parents.” That’s Zakiya Sankara-Jabar, National Director of Activism at brightbeam, my new colleague and host of a virtual town hall...
Back in 2018, I was really fed up with the major incidents of discrimination and hatred going on around the country. (Remember Charlottesville? Or when two Black men were wrongfully arrested at a...
So look. I’m pissed. The other night my 7-year-old son asked me, “What were all those people doing on TV?” I was watching CNN and they were showing some coverage from the protest. I explained to him...
This is an incredible thread. Joe Truss took the Amy Cooper viral video and described all the ways that that behavior shows up in classrooms and staff lounges. I think it is easy to read each example...