High school students are graduating into an uncertain world. As a high school physics teacher in Boston Public Schools (BPS), I have seen the many ways that the pandemic has robbed our seniors of...
Last week, something in my spirit told me to create an Instagram post on Canva that stated the following: Okay people, the jury is out! What’s the verdict? Are you ANTIRACIST or AUNTIE RACIST?...
Four weeks ago, a Black man was lynched. In 2020. I remind myself of that fact each day so that I do not forget what we saw, what happened—that we witnessed a man take his last breath. In the days...
When we think of education equity, we typically think of issues along the lines of traditional opportunity gaps disproportionately affecting children of color. As equity-minded educators, our...
As a social media junkie, I spend countless hours surfing through hundreds of profile pages on different platforms. In the wake of COVID-19 and rising racial tensions over the cumulative loss of...
I’m hearing a lot of people now all “rah-rah” for Black lives mattering. Meanwhile, I’m over here rolling my eyes at it all because to me, talk is cheap and history has receipts. Black lives didn’t...