Recently I wrote that a residency hearing with two children, Kayla and Tasha, represented to me our deeply-embedded structural inequities in education that decades of initiatives, as well as...
Now would be a good time to listen to Rev. Al Sharpton. You didn’t see that coming. Me, of all people, pointing to a left-of-center Civil Rights leader on the issue of education? Mark the day. I’m...
Every four years, millions of teachers are, once again, disappointed and disillusioned when education gets the short end of the stick. Nothing more than a passing sound bite. Maybe an abstract...
With all the ruckus around charter schools, it’s easy to forget they can’t be painted with a broad brush. Each state has its own charter school law, its own educational politics, its own ways of...
This is a year unlike any other. I am sure you have heard this over and over again as, over the past seven months, our lives have been completely upended. From the way we work, travel, worship, and...