I was gifted an advanced screening of “Judas and the Black Messiah'' earlier this week and it affirmed just how much education equals power, while simultaneously being a threat to “power.” I’m about...
A war has been waging in my home state of Illinois, and the battle lines have been drawn. In one corner of the ring—the “uber leftists” who justify the need for the Illinois State Department of...
Prior to COVID-19 upending American education, some state legislatures around the country considered moratoriums or “pauses” on public charter schools; while others, like in California, Illinois, and...
February is Black History Month. It is a time to highlight Black excellence and learn about Black people who have made a difference. It's also a time when pictures and facts about Dr. King, Rosa...
Although the United States has always had a diverse population, public school curricula are overwhelmingly built around a white, male perspective. Students are learning a whitewashed version of...