Black Students Are Not 'Marginalized,' They Are the Center of Our Work
So many headlines these days are about how Black students are “falling behind” during the pandemic. They’re “missing” and “lost.” But the truth is, Black students aren’t lost—the question is, do you...
It's Time to Add Multicultural Literature to the Academic Equation
The teaching population in the United States is 87% white female, the typical educator a blonde or brunette under the age of 35. Dominating the teaching industry since the 80s, they are a force to be...
Want to Build Anti-Racist Schools? Start With the Adults.
The past year has put an intense spotlight on the racism and inequities that plague American schools. It has also inspired leaders and educators to embrace new opportunities to reimagine education...
My Students Deserve to Share Their Stories On Their Own Terms
I found "The Bluest Eye" on my own in my older sister’s classroom books. I was in ninth grade. I can’t remember what I thought when I first saw it. Curious. I opened it up and I didn’t understand...
student achievement
How Public Schools Fail to Recognize Black Prodigies
Amid numerous articles about how Black students lag behind others in educational achievement, occasionally you may hear about a young Black “prodigy” who got accepted into college at an early age....
Restorative Justice Isn't Just for the Students, It's for the Adults Too
Let’s face it: Our public schools are, in the main, alienating and repressive institutions whose function it is to provide our society with an army of docile, even if skilled, workers whose labors...