
Achievement Gap

What Do We Actually Know About Discipline Reform?

Question: Which does more harm? Over-suspending disruptive kids, which denies them learning time and contributes to the dropout rate. Under-suspending disruptive kids, which undermines the education...

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Achievement Gap

Some Tips for a White Teacher Trying to Stop Being Racist

I’ve been working hard at anti-racist teaching for over a decade. I’ve learned some things. I see things I didn’t see before. I hear things differently. I’m not finished, not an expert, not perfect....

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Achievement Gap

The Possibilities for Our Black and Brown Students Are Unlimited. We Just Need to Change Our Approach.

I grew up in Chicago, attending all-Black public schools. My parents and most of the adults in my extended family were educators. My dad grew up in Atlanta and attended grade school with a young...

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Achievement Gap

Charter Schools Need to Shift Power to Parents and Educators of Color

Following the release of a report showing that public charter school growth is slowing due to political resistance, the Center on Reinventing Public Education's (CRPE) Robin Lake offers several good...

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Achievement Gap

Dear Janice Jackson, I Hope You’re Open to Honest Conversations with Parents in Chicago Public Schools

Janice, you and I know each other. I remember talking with you back when you were a principal at Al Raby High School. I know your deep commitment to all the kids of Chicago, regardless of...

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Achievement Gap

Coffee Break: Talking Pour-Overs, Implicit Bias and Empathy With Seth Gershenson

In 2015, a study showing how implicit bias affects teacher expectations by Seth Gershenson and two colleagues made waves throughout the profession. Gershenson, an associate professor of public policy...

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