
Achievement Gap

Does Standardized Testing Help Students?

Every state uses standardized tests to find out how students in public schools are doing. Federal law requires it. But why? And how do standardized tests actually help students? The short answer:...

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Achievement Gap

When I Realized No One Cared About My Students With Special Needs, I Chose to Raise My Voice

As a first-year teacher of students with disabilities in a large urban district, I faced huge inequities that even other teachers and principals overlooked. I taught a classroom full of students as...

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Achievement Gap

Reflections on Edu-Journalism on the Eve of EWA

This week, education writers meet in Los Angeles for an annual conference. Their work is read by millions of people every day and shared widely through digital media. It drives conversations in...

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Achievement Gap

What If Students Were Walking Out for Better Schools?

Student walkouts have been a hot topic lately and the media has been quick to swoon with round-the-clock coverage. There is no doubt that an important national conversation has been driven, at least...

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Achievement Gap

Business Knows It, the Military Knows It and Now It's Time We Know It in Education: Leadership Matters

We’ve seen it happen too many times to count. Every two to three years, state and district education chiefs across the country step down and, with no succession plan in place, a mad scramble ensues,...

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Achievement Gap

I’ve Done More to Help Students and Parents Than I Ever Did During My 15 Years in the Classroom

The day that I ended my career as a teacher, I woke up as a parent. I had taught for 15 years and I'd reached a career high, but still, I quit. The money was good, but it was no longer worth being a...

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