

Why We Need to Stop Thinking About Students in Terms of Strengths and Weaknesses

My son is a freshman in high school and this felt like my first report card pick up all over again. While I have access to all his grades and consistent progress electronically, I was nervous to go...

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Achievement Gap

What Oklahoma Teachers Can Learn From the Montgomery Bus Boycott

On this day in Montgomery, Alabama, 63 years ago, Black people strategically rebelled against one of White supremacy’s ‘systems.’ That day, Black folks got into formation and demonstrated a type of...

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Achievement Gap

Time to Recognize That the Black Education Movement Is Growing and Isn’t Going Anywhere

Here’s the scene. There’s a movement of Black education advocates afoot. It’s built on the shoulders of the Black-led movements that preceded it, and it’s guided by the wisdom of education reform...

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Achievement Gap

Eighth-Graders Are Doing Fifth-Grade Work. No Wonder Our Kids Aren't Ready for College.

I just read a report that, as a father, makes me question my own kid's school. I mean, if these problems are happening in so many classrooms, what are the chances they’re happening in my son’s...

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Achievement Gap

It Doesn't Take a Miracle to Educate Kids of Color

Outrage: We’re Wasting Time Last week I went to my first Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s Annual Legislative Conference. I came home empowered, inspired, and motivated. But also, somewhat...

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Achievement Gap

That’s Right, I’m on the Roland Martin Bandwagon

Outrage: Access Still Denied Last week, my mentor and sister in the struggle, Kenya Bradshaw, dropped a gem at the LEAP InnovatEd Summit that really made me wonder if people are really down for...

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