How Black Teachers Avoided White Surveillance to Teach the Truth
A few weeks ago, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum gave a speech that disregarded the rich history of Indigenous people, saying that [white people] birthed a nation from nothing. It is this very...
4 Ways to Cultivate 'the Spark' for Black and Brown Boys
As I think about Black History Month and what it means to me, I remember another day in February, 10 years ago. February 26, 2012, is a hard date for me to forget. My little brother was turning five...
You Can't Go All-In for Black History Month and Protest Critical Race Theory at the Same Time
I’m channeling the spirit of Dr. Chris Emdin when I say that this piece is specifically for the white folx and the rest of y’all too. It’s Black History Month, and I figure it’s time I give my two...
School Funding
With Omicron, Students Fell Behind in Math Even Though Schools Were Open
Imagine that you go in for your annual medical bloodwork and something alarming turns up: say, your platelets are through the roof, a possible indicator of cancer. Does your doctor say, “Let’s wait...
This Year I Celebrate Uncomfortable History Month
Mary Turner was 21 years old and 8 months pregnant on May 18, 1918 when a white mob seized her, bound her feet, hanged her from a tree upside down, burned her clothes off her body, and cut her...
Not-Normal Times Call for Not-Normal Grades
At 8:21 pm on Thursday, January 20th, my principal called me to confirm another positive COVID case in my homeroom. This marked our fourth transition to remote/hybrid instruction this year. This...