This Eighth Grader Led Her School to Build an Anti-Racist Library
When Kinadee Jordan thinks, you can almost see her mental gears spinning. Clad in a “Boyz in the Hood” hoodie, the eighth-grader crafts her thoughts on Langston Hughes’ poem “I look at the world.”...
Kanye's 'jeen-yuhs' Shows Why We Need to Nurture the Dreams of Our Black Students
As a disclaimer, this piece does not serve as an endorsement of Kanye West’s “Slavery was a Choice” stance or his friendship with Donald Trump—or even his failed presidential campaign. We can say...
Charter Schools
Communities Are Demanding Excellent Educational Opportunities. It's Time We Do Something Different.
In this moment, shaped by both the global pandemic and enduring racial inequities, excellent educational opportunities that communities are rightly demanding have never been more important. And NACSA...
Black History Must Include the Heroic Black Soldiers of WW II
“Pop-Pop, did Black soldiers like you actually fight in World War II?” My grandfather, a WWII U.S Army combat veteran, lifted his shirt to reveal the scar left by the shrapnel that destroyed one of...
Here's What the Milford 11 Have to Teach Us About the Roots of Critical Race Theory
Back in 2018, I ran across a story from the 1950s that seemed to illuminate some of the ugly political fights we were living through. True to the zeitgeist, I made a podcast episode about it. And...
Here's Why I Teach Black History All Year Long
Like many of my students, I look forward to Black History Month in February, when schools and organizations across the country celebrate and honor the contributions of Black Americans and others of...