“Do you know what you’ll be if you do this?” my husband raged at our then-16-year-old son, “You’ll be just another Black man without a high-school diploma. Why are you acting like a rich, white kid?...
Crystal Jewell’s 11-year-old has salsa on the mind. “My daughter has been taking a photo each week of our salsa garden growing to log its progress,” she said of the new hobby her daughter picked up...
Editor’s note: to protect students’ and families’ privacy, we have chosen to refer to students and their families by first name only. Last Friday evening, in Birmingham, Alabama, parents, guardians...
Nineteen second, third, and fourth graders and at least two teachers are dead (as of this writing) after a gunman entered yet another school with another automatic weapon designed to do only one...
Early this year, the Illinois Right to Read Act looked like a no-brainer. As originally written, the bill pushed teacher colleges, districts and schools to pay greater attention to phonics and...