Freshmen love secrets, coloring and affirmation that their suspicions about all the adults being wrong are true. Each autumn, I do a unit on the ways that societal power and hierarchy reveal...
Hey Shawnta! There is a lot of focus on adding more cultural months to the curriculum; that should be taught at home. What about Veterans? How can we ensure students learn about our vets? This...
Results continue to pour in from November 8’s surprisingly close midterm elections. We here at Ed Post have been tracking education issues on the ballot, what happened, and how they will impact...
When students struggle academically, it is often the case that the root causes–and their solutions–can be found outside the school doors. The social determinants of health—economic and social...
The College Board will pilot AP African American Studies at about 60 schools this school year, with more to be added in the pilot’s second year. The course will include key connections to the African...