Would it really be the worst thing if the U.S. wasn’t on top of the world order? I just read a thought-provoking essay from Will Marshall, president of the Progressive Policy Institute, which was...
Hey Shawnta! Does dyslexia present differently in gifted or multi-exceptional learners? Signed, Tenacious Teacher - because we all need a good alliteration If I could earn one more certification, it...
Nearly two decades ago, policymakers on both sides of the aisle came together to establish clear academic expectations for students, assess student progress toward achieving those standards and use...
When school doors reopened after the prolonged shift to virtual classes sparked by the pandemic, it signaled the end of the once-robust conversation about public education’s woefully inadequate...
When I came across a tweet about the Miami Police Department’s unveiling of a designed patrol car in honor of Black History Month, my immediate thought was that this is no different than the Black...