Two-thirds of Chicago’s teachers spend hours on the weekend scouring websites like Pinterest and Teachers Pay Teachers because they say they don’t have up-to-date, culturally relevant curricula—and...
School discipline will always be a hotly debated topic. As an advocate, I have argued for more proactive, inclusionary practices that address prevention rather than reaction, but I realize that the...
Another week, another headline about the urgency of jettisoning efforts to improve teaching and learning for all kids and instead laser-focusing on ending segregation in public schools. This time...
Attacks against private school options are frequent and fervent, but what happens when public school opportunities become the point of confliction? You may have seen some of the recent conversations...
As a teacher, I know that to get students learning they must first enjoy the idea of learning. Teaching English language arts may seem easy, but nothing about my class is easy. I require fifth...