Vote Local Day 5: Care About Schools? Vote Local. (ft. Alina Adams)
https://www.facebook.com/246491525549550/videos/3437224209696920 Yes, there is a big national election happening. But if you really want to improve policy in education, we need to #VoteLocal. New...
School Funding
Rev. Sharpton: Education Problems Are a ‘Five-Alarm’ Fire
Now would be a good time to listen to Rev. Al Sharpton. You didn’t see that coming. Me, of all people, pointing to a left-of-center Civil Rights leader on the issue of education? Mark the day. I’m...
Vote Local Day 4: Can You Trust Parties and Politicians? (ft. Zakiya Sankara-Jabar)
https://www.facebook.com/246491525549550/videos/1278683725823697 In a politically polarized nation, public trust in government is on the decline. How do we know if we can trust parties and...
public schools
Khaliah Fitchett on Going From Handcuffs to Running for Congress
One afternoon in March 2010, Khaliah Fitchette, a 16-year-old student at Newark’s University High School, was riding home on a NJ Transit bus with her friends when an intoxicated man slid off his...
School Boards Are on the Ballot in 28 States This November
In Texas, California, Michigan, New York and 24 other states, school boards are on the ballot this November. That means folks in those places may be seeing the names of their friends, neighbors or...
Why Can We Have Halloween But Not Homeroom?
Upset parents are demanding answers about reopening schools as they watch COVID-19 case counts ramp back up while unmasked groups convene for sport and fun. Bars, gyms and restaurants have increased...