It’s Time to Put Early Math on Everyone’s Radar, Especially for Dual Language Learners
Most parents understand early literacy is important. Data show they are already doing the basics to support literacy, like reading to children regularly. Yet new research suggests early math...
Achievement Gap
Students of Color Are Depending on You November 3. Don't Throw Away Your Shot.
On the eve of America’s 244th birthday, the critically acclaimed play, "Hamilton," debuted on Disney+, making the cultural touchstone available to millions in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic....
School Boards Have Too Much Power They Aren’t Using to Fix Education
Considered me triggered. Again. This past Sunday my 8 Black Hands crew did a show on the missing importance of school boards, and then this article pops up saying the National School Boards...
student achievement
Q&A: Chris Cerf on Fighting COVID Learning Loss With Great Teaching
Last March schools across the country closed and typical live instruction morphed into erratic meetings on Zoom. Many of us assumed this was a short-term shut-down but, as March turned into April and...
opportunity gap
The COVID-19 Attendance Crisis Is Bigger Than You Think
Much of the public discussion about pandemic education has focused on two major questions: How are families handling remote learning? What does safe reopening of school buildings look like? Recently,...
I Thought Vouchers Were Wrong, But Now I Realize They Helped My Son
Recently I wrote that a residency hearing with two children, Kayla and Tasha, represented to me our deeply-embedded structural inequities in education that decades of initiatives, as well as...