Last week’s election was a referendum on the Trump Administration, but it wasn’t a referendum on how well schools have responded to the COVID-19 pandemic. That’s because three out of every four...
Even before President-elect Joe Biden offered his inspiring remarks to the nation this weekend, the social media posts declaring, “Bye, Betsy” clearly signaled that the education community was...
Elections have consequences. This phrase is often cited, and in the wake of last week’s elections, I find myself alongside other educators, reeling in the wake of the consequences that are already...
The people of the United States have voted to replace Donald Trump with Joe Biden. It is the first step in repairing the massive rifts in our democratic society. This moment feels good to those...
From time to time, people ask me why I went into the field of education. Usually, these are new people I meet, because anyone who has known me for any amount of time knows that this is not a question...