How Do I Join Tonight's Facebook Q&A With David Johns?

Dec 6, 2016 12:00:00 AM


Tonight, December 6, at 7:30 PM ET on the Education Post Facebook Page we're hosting a Q&A with David Johns, executive director of the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans. As the Obama administration comes to a close, David Johns is coming to answer  your questions about the future of education for Black students. education-post-facebook-qa-with-david-johns I know some of you are thinking—that sounds awesome! But, what's a Facebook Q&A and how do I participate? Well, first of all, it is awesome! And second, it's easy to figure out and participate (especially since I know you’re on Facebook all the time anyway), but here's a quick how-to on Facebook Q&A'ing.

How-to Guide on Facebook Q&A

  1. So, first things first, you need to "Like" Education Post on Facebook since we're hosting the Q&A! At 7:30 PM ET or if you're super eager, 7:29 PM ET, head to our Facebook page and you'll see something like this:
  2. After you've "Liked" and "Shared" the post (because obviously you want all your friends to participate) you'll see a post from David Johns telling you he's ready to chat! It'll look like this in the comments of the post: screen-shot-2016-12-06-at-11-16-22-am
  3. After that you'll just put your questions in the comments and he'll respond to them as quickly as he can within the hour! Once the hour is up, we'll wrap it with helpful links and resources for you to continue the conversation.
  4. That's it! Of course, you can always continue to like, share and comment after the Q&A is over.
Before you join the Facebook Q&A be sure to check out these posts: The White House Hosted a Princess Party for Black Girls and It Was All About Celebrating Literacy and  5 Ways Schools Can Support African American LGBTQ Youth and the great work the Initiative has been pushing forward.

Ikhlas Saleem

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