
Empowering Students: Math and Coding to Beat the Summer Learning Slide

Written by Dr. Assata Moore | Jun 14, 2024 9:07:36 PM

Summer is a critical time for students, especially Black students, who are disproportionately affected by the much talked about summer learning slide.

There's some uncertainty about how serious a problem this is, but we know our students can't afford to take steps backward after COVID. Math scores, already concerning before the pandemic, have worsened, with many students lacking fundamental math skills and failing to connect math to their daily lives.

Recently, there has been promising reporting on the effectiveness of summer programs that help students recover from COVID-related learning loss. 

The Math Genius Camp, hosted by Black Math Genius, offers a transformative solution from June 17 to August 8. It addresses the critical need for continuous, year-round math education. (Educators also need to stay sharp during the summer; here are some opportunities for math teachers to develop their knowledge and skills.)

Ensuring strong math skills is essential. Companies like IBM and Microsoft are pioneering quantum computing, which affects everyday life and a growing list of professions. These developments highlight the necessity for mathematical literacy. How can our children be ready for computing and quantum algorithms when struggling with the basic division algorithm and partial quotients frustrate them in 5th grade?

The camp provides rigorous, standards-based math instruction and coding lessons using Python, one of the top programming languages. This dual focus prepares students for academic success and introduces them to potential careers in STEAMQ (Science, Technology, Engineering, AI, Mathematics, and Quantum Computing). This preparation is crucial for future opportunities, enabling Black children to build wealth, buy homes, and lead fulfilling lives.

Parents play a vital role in their children's educational journey. Relying on schools is not enough; a proactive approach is necessary year-round. Enrolling your child in programs like Math Genius Camp ensures they don't just pass state assessments but gain a deep conceptual understanding of math, boosting their confidence and readiness for the 2024-25 school year.

Math Genius Camp’s unique approach focuses on deep conceptual understanding, mathematical reasoning, and high engagement. Students don't just learn how to solve problems but understand why solutions work, fostering a love for math. The camp's engaging activities, puzzles, and games make learning enjoyable and relevant.

Enrolling in the Math Genius Camp has many benefits. Students prepare for state assessments, develop critical thinking skills, and gain a solid foundation for future success in academics and life. The camp's supportive environment, innovative curriculum, and experienced educators ensure each child receives personalized attention and quality instruction.

Addressing the summer learning slide is crucial for academic equity. By enrolling your child in the Math Genius Camp, you invest in their future, ensuring they remain competitive in an increasingly technical world. Don’t miss this opportunity to transform your child’s math experience.