A week ago, I sat with a group of students and asked them what the number one rule of the school was. Without hesitation, they said, “be quiet.” It’s a distressing answer for a bunch of reasons,...
If you haven’t read this piece by Kayla Renee Parker yet, you should. Ms. Parker, a Black woman and college student, challenged her professor, a white woman who still thinks multiple choice exams are...
I’ve had bad principals. In fact, it’s pretty hard to find a teacher who hasn’t. The job of a principal is almost aggressively impossible—to act as an instructional leader, head of discipline, event...
I got my letter last week. My principal met me at my door. I knew it was coming. Still, it hurt. The formality of “terminate your contract effective…pursuant to Minnesota Statute 122A.40, subdivision...
Tom Rademacher is one of the three founding teachers of #LoveTeaching week. For more information on #LoveTeaching, including ideas on how to get involved, go to www.weloveteaching.org. My...