Hey Shawnta! Why do first-generation immigrant students score higher than native-born American students on all standardized achievement tests? I have been asked a version of this question many times...
Hey Shawnta! There is a lot of focus on adding more cultural months to the curriculum; that should be taught at home. What about Veterans? How can we ensure students learn about our vets? This...
Hey Shawnta! My son’s teacher keeps kicking him out of class. He is already behind and he can’t learn in the hall. What can I do? Sincerely, Keep My Son In Class Hi, Keep My Son in Class — You're...
Hey Shawnta! I hate my school. I hate my principal. I hate my job. I love the students but don’t think I can make it through this year. What should I do? Sincerely, Love the Kids; Hate the Job Hi...
Hey Shawnta! How can I ensure my children’s school incorporates their Latino heritage after Hispanic Heritage Month ends? Sincerely, Latino 365 Hi Latino 365, As a Black woman, I can empathize with...