Dr. Sana Shaikh is an expert in organizational theory and behavior and cultural responsiveness with over ten years of experience working in education policy, research, and program management and operations. She is currently the Director of School Operations in Springfield Public Schools. She is also the founder of her diversity, equity, and inclusion company called TimeED—Taking Initiative, Making Equity in Education. She was Teach for America corps member and staff member. Previously, she was a fellow at the Aspen Institute, the Harvard Kennedy School Rappaport Institute for Greater Boston, Achievement First, Leadership for Educational Equity, Senator Mike Johnson, and more recently, serves as an InSPIRE fellow through the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and 50 Can Fellow. She holds two bachelor's from the University of California, Berkeley in political science and Near Eastern Studies—Islamic Civilizations, with a minor in global poverty and practice. She has two master's, one in urban studies from Johns Hopkins and one in social policy and management from Brandeis University. Her Ph.D. is in social policy and management from the Heller School of Social Policy and Management.
“I am a white ally,” the 30 something-year-old white teacher declared emphatically in the diversity and inclusion professional development session. She snapped her fingers to co-sign a colleague’s...
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