Robert Medina works with foundations and nonprofits to support their communications, advocacy and strategy development efforts. Since joining Education First, Robert has created content for Univision Communications’ national parental engagement campaign and helped Boston After School & Beyond find resources to reach more youth with meaningful out-of-school-time programming. Robert’s personal history informed his decision to pursue a career in education. Born and raised in Lima, Peru, Robert and his family moved to central New Jersey when he was ten. The transition was tough at times—culturally, socially and linguistically—but this move allowed Robert and his younger sister to enroll in a public school district with excellent teachers and plenty of resources for them to explore their academic interests. Robert believes all students deserve the kind of support he received growing up. Prior to Education First, Robert led stakeholder engagement for the Division of Data, Accountability and Research at the District of Columbia Office of the State Superintendent of Education and evaluated advocacy campaigns for the Aspen Institute’s Planning and Evaluation Program. After work hours, he enjoys taking classes at his neighborhood’s yoga studio and jogging the streets of his home city, Washington, D.C.
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