Paul Koehler is the director of the Policy Center at WestEd. The Policy Center is a voice at the state, regional, and national levels, keeping members of the U.S. Congress and other policy leaders informed of developments in research and practice. The Center provides analyses, research, and assistance to policymakers, policy-focused organizations, and the media on current education issues. Center staff provide objective, balanced views to create strategies for improvement, inform decisions, and highlight developments benefiting children and families. Koehler also serves as Director of the West Comprehensive Center, a technical assistance center funded by the U.S. Department of Education. The Center provides assistance to chief state school officers and their staffs in Arizona, Nevada, and Utah as they implement provisions of the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act in their states. Previously, Koehler served as Education Advisor to Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano. He also served as Associate Superintendent of the Arizona Department of Education. Prior to that, he was a district superintendent and assistant superintendent for 16 years and a classroom teacher for 10 years. Koehler is responsible for numerous WestEd publications on topics such as improving the graduation rate, effects of full-day kindergarten, reforming teacher pay, and school leadership. He has been a presenter at numerous national conferences. He received a BS in business management from C.W. Post College, an MS in elementary education from Brooklyn College, and a PhD in elementary education and curriculum development from Arizona State University.
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