My neighbor, Oscar Carrillo, has lived almost all of his 18 years in legal limbo. His parents brought him to the United States as a baby on their quest for a better life. But that left Oscar...
Brand-new charter school Washington Leadership Academy (WLA) has already drawn national attention for its commitment to incorporating the latest in tech, including virtual reality, into student...
Five years ago, Principal LeViis Haney arrived at Lovett Elementary in Chicago’s Austin neighborhood and found a school stuck in outdated, rote-learning practices. Teachers went page-by-page through...
Today, a new poll released by Education Next shows that support for charter schools has fallen, both overall and among communities of color. You know it’s a bad day for your issue when President...
It’s August, yet it’s chilly enough in Chicago to roast marshmallows. That’s what some friends from our daughter’s preschool invited us to do over the weekend. Most everyone who came has kids or...