Jamie Davies O'Leary is a senior Ohio policy analyst for the Thomas B. Fordham Institute. She previously served as chief communications and advocacy officer for the Ohio Council of Community Schools, one of Ohio’s longest standing and largest charter school authorizers. There she oversaw the delivery of communications to schools, governing boards, and the media, and managed the organization’s policy and legislative strategies. Jamie is an alumna of the Teach For America program (Camden), an Education Pioneers fellow (2008), a Truman Scholarship fellow (2004) and holds a master’s of public affairs from Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs. In her previous tenure as a policy analyst at Fordham, Jamie authored hundreds of articles for the Ohio Education Gadfly, published op-eds in newspapers statewide, and conducted research and policy analysis on a variety of K-12 education issues. She returns to research and analysis as well as spearheading new efforts to promote high-quality charter schools in the Buckeye State and advocate for policies–such as equitable funding, access to facilities and transportation, etc.–that ensure charter schools are fully equipped to excel. A native of Mansfield, Ohio, Jamie resides in Columbus with her husband and two daughters.
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