Jacob Rayburn

Jacob Rayburn is the former Digital Communications Manager for Educators for Excellence-Los Angeles. He has demonstrated a commitment to elevating education for all students and eliminating systemic inequities through his work for E4E, journalism career, and private volunteer efforts. At E4E-LA, he worked alongside teachers to empower them to use their expertise in the classroom to promote student-first education policies. A reporter for more than seven years, Jacob started his career writing stories that were often ignored in small towns in southeast Fresno County — home to low-income, impoverished communities of mostly Hispanic farm workers. It was there he first witnessed the enormous gulf in the resources available to students separated by only a few miles from one town to the next. He enjoys reading, binging a good show, and spending time with friends and family.

Posts By Jacob Rayburn

School Choice

Parents' Rights, School Choice, Anti-Racism Will Grab Headlines in '24

A presidential election year is fast approaching, meaning social media channels and news feeds already awash with negativity about education-related issues will only become more treacherous places...

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Fix What’s Broken: Affirmative Action in Higher Education

You broke it; you fix it. That was the straightforward message from Academy Award-winning director Taika Waititi at The Hollywood Reporter’s Raising Our Voices luncheon regarding diversity in...

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