David Osborne is the director of the Reinventing America’s Schools Project at the Progressive Policy Institute. As of September 2017 (the 25th anniversary of the opening of the first charter school), his new book on education reform has been released, "Reinventing’s America’s Schools: Creating a 21st Century Education System." Osborne is the author or co-author of seven books, including, "The Price of Government: Getting the Results We Need in an Age of Permanent Fiscal Crisis" (2004); "The Reinventor’s Fieldbook: Tools for Transforming Your Government" (2000), "Banishing Bureaucracy: The Five Strategies For Reinventing Government" (1997), "Reinventing Government" (1992) and "Laboratories of Democracy" (1988). He has also authored numerous articles for The Washington Post, The Atlantic, The New York Times Magazine, Harpers, The New Republic, Governing, Education Week and other publications.
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