Chad Aldeman is an associate partner at Bellwether Education Partners, where he has worked on the Policy and Thought Leadership team since 2012, advising clients and writing on teacher preparation, teacher evaluation, and college- and career-readiness. He also serves as editor for Previously, Chad was a policy advisor in the Office of Planning, Evaluation, and Policy Development at the U.S. Department of Education, where he worked on ESEA waivers, teacher preparation, and the Teacher Incentive Fund. Prior to joining the Department, Chad was a policy analyst with Education Sector. He has published reports on state higher education accountability systems, the potential of improving high school accountability by incorporating outcomes data, the school choice process in New York City and Boston, teacher pensions, teacher and principal evaluations, teacher salary schedules, and teacher preparation. His work has been featured in the Washington Post, New York Times, InsideHigherEd, Newsday, and the Des Moines Register. He's been passionate about education since reading Jonathan Kozol’s "Savage Inequalities," and believes that luck—where you’re born or which family you’re born into—has a strong effect on educational opportunities. He wants to make sure schools do everything they can to address those inequities. Chad holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Iowa and a master’s of public policy degree from the College of William and Mary.
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