Aaron Talley is a writer, activist and educator who currently teaches middle school language arts on the South Side of Chicago. He is also an active member of Educators for Excellence-Chicago. His work lies at the intersections of race, gender, sexuality and education. Prior to teaching, he served as membership co-chair of the Black Youth Project 100, a youth-led direct action organization, as well as working with various community partners in urban youth leadership development. His writing has been featured in Colorlines, Mused Magazine Online, the Feminist Wire, TruthOut.com, the Advocate, and the Black Youth Project. He is passionate about using the critical lens of identity to inform how we not only support students, but teachers as well. He is a graduate of the University of Chicago where he received both a B.A. in English as well as his M.A in teaching from the university's urban teaching education program. He is originally from Detroit, Michigan.
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